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An Artist With Vision...

Marc G Doutherd is an accomplished artist whose art will leave an indelible impression on your consciousness. It is likely that after a viewing of his art, the images will be with you for a lifetime.


It's easy to see that you're viewing the work of a modern day master. Like any fine actor, athlete, educator, or politician, Marc easily garners respectof his contemporaries. Like the best of the old masters he paints far beyond what he sees. His images tell the greater story like an abstraction of all that an image ever could possibly be.

Kirk Parker (RIP)

Johnna Crider
CEO | Co Host | Published Author | Knight/Dame of two Royal Houses | Jewelry Designer | Saints Fan


Marc Doutherd is very kind with his words and super talented. He adn I worked together when I published the Art4TH Zine back in 2008--he was kind enough to allow me to use his art in the webzine to promote homeless awareness as well as feature him. 
Today as a fellow artist, I recommend that you purchase from this gentle and talented soul. 


October 26, 2015, Johnna was with another company when working with Marc G at Marc G. Doutherd

Sandy Weld, Artist

Rehoboth Beach, Delaware


Through his art, Marc Doutherd shows a reverence for nature and the spirit of connectedness between all creatures, the "oneness" that is present in all lifeforms. Marc observes, records and communicates what is kissed by spirit. I feel humbled to have viewed his art which spoke to my soul as the sister of the lion, granddaughter of a noble Native American. Could this sage with paint be any less than man to be respected? As a fellow artist who has communicated with Marc on many projects, I highly recommend Marc Doutherd to anyone who deserves to know him.less

September 22, 2015, Sandy worked directly with Marc G at Marc G. Doutherd

Sylvia Pekarek

UX Designer -Extensive experience in both print & web design.

San Francisco Bay Area


I had the pleasure of working with Marc G Doutherd, he is very talented well know fine artist, with a collection beautiful artwork. A valuable figure in the art community, with works that speak ingenuity, inspiration, originality.

August 24, 2013, Sylvia was with another company when working with Marc G at Marc G. Doutherd

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